Activate Your Voice

Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Your sight, O Lord, my strength and my Redeemer. Psalm 19:14

First and foremost, you are important to us and we are praying for you. Please be encouraged, and know your prayers sent are covered.

Elle Divine aims to encourage women to activate their voices. We are here to support you and empower you to activate your voice and share your message with this world. We believe the arena of opportunity is vast and there are various courses of action women can take to accomplish this activation.

Elle Divine is a place for women to start or to gain momentum giving testimony to what God is doing in their lives, sharing their gifts with this world, and living truly secure in who they were designed to be. We see this agenda being fulfilled through being featured on our blog, sharing testimonials, appearing on Empowered, and other collaboration projects. We invite you to consider how this can be true for you! We look forward to seeing how you choose to get involved!

Remember the only way to get going is to just get going. As you take one step God will lead you to your next step. And Elle Divine will be by your side rooting you on every step of the way! We believe in you!  

How to Activate:

Did you know in America alone, only about 25% of adults have a sense of purpose? Did you know that it is reported only about 20% of adults make goals and about 75% of them fail to accomplish their goals set? So, what would you say it takes to accomplish your goals? 

Could it be that it takes more than just planning and setting goals, to live purpose? Here at Elle Divine, we say, “YES!”

We understand how overwhelming it can be to get a blog started, how scary it can be to stand in front of people and speak, or even how hard it can be to take the first step when you may not even know what you would write or speak about. We understand because we have been where you are. 

So, what does it take?

We believe it takes relationship with God and knowing your true identity. It takes awareness of your gifts and going through the pain of healing to see the message that has been birth in you through the experiences. Most of all, it takes sharing with courage knowing you are empowering, worthy, and have 100% support from Elle Divine!

  • Courage 100% 100%
  • Empowered 100% 100%
  • Worthy 100% 100%
  • Elle Divine Community Support 100% 100%


Empowered TV Guest!

I’m feeling elated. Like, I seriously gained insight through our conversation. It was definitely a wonderful time of reflection and it allowed me to piece together A LOT that I have learned recently.

I used to say that I’m a better writer when it comes to conveying my emotions and what I learned. Now I’m becoming a better communicator of both things and it makes me so, so happy. Because Holy Spirit be flowing through my pen, bwoy!! So to allow those same things to flow out of my mouth? 🔥🙌🏾

Again, PLEASE keep doing what you’re doing. I so want to partner with you in this. It is SO NEEDED and it’s so self-less and AMAZING. Legit. I love you, girl!!

Camille Daly

Founder and CEO, CSD Creations